Boating stuff…

These are just some short articles that I put together from time to time collecting thoughts that are somehow not quite suited to a regular blog posting.

Here are three ways to break the boom on your Super Maramu

So are catamarans REALLY faster?

Karen’s thoughts for new boat owners.

Should I cook with electric? Or propane? And Why?

Insurance Policies head-to-head comparison

Dinghies and how to store them are a constant issue on cruising boats. Here are my thoughts.

Lots of things go into how big an anchor should be.

How to assemble a large battery bank for maximum efficiency and battery life.

Thoughts on buying a boat, and how to decide on what boat is right for you

Some thoughts about how easy anchoring is and how some people make it look hard

It is not polite to talk religion, politics, or the difference between monohulls and catamarans, but here I go anyway!